La’wino Trashes Alice Musukwa’s Aproach To Manage Fly Jay, Calls Her Childish

The news that young rapper Fly Jay is always found in the streets rapping is not new. Several other artists and fans have been known to bring the matter to Social Media attention. The reasons behind the young talent being on the streets instead of school has always remained a debatable issue, where some describe Fly Jay to be of a stubborn character, while others point it to his current Management to be reluctant and lacking guidance skills for the kid.

However, in the latest development; Miss Universe Zambia Director and renouned model Alice Musukwa managed to meet Fly Jay whilst in the streets and shot a video which she later shared with her fans on her Facebook Page with the caption: “Say No to tribalism Divided we fall and together we stand. I want to Manage him what do u guys think


Alice Musukwa's FB Post

Most of her “guys” expressed concern about Fly Jay‘s career, however they advised the 2010 Miss Universe Zambia winner to stick to her own career of Modeling. Even so, Alice insisted she has good branding skills and capabilities to take over the Young rapper’s career. She even declined to the concept of Fly Jay having a Manager, as shown in the screen shot below:



Finally when this message reached BlackBillionaire Records, La’Wino was left with no choice but to respond to Alice Musukwa with a Statement video which involved both Fly Jay & his Parent. 

La’Wino expressed disappointment in the Models level of intelligience, calling her bold move childish and an exploitaton of Fly Jay‘s career. He insisted that Fly Jay being young & playful requires guidance and advice, of which genuine sympathisers cannot take to Social Media. He believes Alice took advantage of the situation in order to win Social Media likes.

On the other hand, Fly Jay‘s father cited that the young boy is stubborn, and they are doing everything possible to get him off the streets. Watch the full video below and tell us what you think about the future for young talented rapper Fly Jay.