Macky 2 Seems To Re-Ignite Feud With Long Time Rival In Latest Cypher Verse!

Rapper Macky 2 had to let out all his thoughts in the latest released DJ Mzengaman End Of Year Cypher where he got the last verse. He made sure to leave no stones unturned, as the rapper mentioned various aspects of his career, and commanded respect especially from other artists especially that he is one of the co-founders of commercial HipHop in the country.
From preaching forgivesness and mentioning how he has played a low profile these days, it seems King Bugar has not completely burried his beef with long time nemsis SlapDee. In his verse during the cypher, Macky 2 indirectly responds to SlapDee‘s lyrics which the rapper added to Natasha Chansa‘s Desciple. SlapDee had earlier commented:

“Am the highest in the room right now…
We are not the same level,
Different flows
We don’t fight the same devil”

The lines above did not seem to make sense before, but now fans have connected the story as Macky 2 has seemingly fired back with his own words:

“We are not the same level even on the same label,
What I eat is different even on the same table…
I only play nice because we fight the same devil.”

Since both artists are signed to Kalandanya music promotions (KMP), its easy to relate that the two rap heavyweights are not actually on good terms, and may indirectly be re-igniting the long term beef that once helped to elevate the HipHop culture in Zambia.
However, Macky 2 has already announced his retirement from active music, upon the release of fourthcoming album “Olijaba” which has suffered countless delays since its initial release date back in July.

Have you listened to DH Mzengamans End Of Year Cypher Yet? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.