“There Is Only One More Album Left In Me” Says Bobby East.

A total number of three (3) albums will be enough to describe the music career of the current XYZ Entertainment CEO Bobby East. Despite spending about 10 years in the entertainment realm, Day Walker has only put out two (2) classic albums. B.East which was released in December 2015 & Vanilla which hit the airwaves in 2018.

However in a recent tweet posted on his timeline, Bobby East says he will only do one more album, then call it a wrap because there are other things or ventures he can tap into in order to make his success complete. Check it out below:

10 years in this business and I only have 2 albums to my name….. 3rd one will be my last!.. I’m a bigger believer in walking off the stage while people are still clapping. We only get one life and there are other things I wanna accomplish..

Oh Man! We have to give props to him for believing its wise to retire when people still think you have it in you. Most artists fade without giving up, relinquishing all the glory they had and finally becoming ordinary. Thats when they give up. 

However his statement left questions as to whether he was about to leave his music career completely, and the Pycho Bae hit maker had a perfect answer to give.

Yall need to chill lol… There will be singles, collabos and all that other good stuff…. But I only have one last album left in me… Rap is a young man’s sport. I have seen a lot of my idols try to cling to past glory. Shit is sad af

So we can safely say we still are going to have more hit singles and colabos from Bobby East, after all he is still very young and energetic. It seems he will only shift his focus to other prospects oof which we are yet to find out…