Category VIDEO

My Diary 8 Video

KB – My Diary 8 (Official Music Video)

K-Army Music boss and super talented producer KB has finally released the visuals for his super hyped eighth installement of the My Diary Session which features artists Kunkeyani Tha Jedi, Jemax, Scott, Juvic, Natasha Chansa & Nez Long. The video…

Diary Conversation Tiye P

Diary Conversation S01E02 – Tiye P

In the second installement of the My Diary Conversation profound music producer Killa Beats sits down with rapper Tiye P to discuss the background of his music career, their history together and personal misunderstandings. Tiye P proves to be one…

Prada - Jump Off

Prada – FreshBoy Jump Off (Official Video)

Pradda takes a 2020 comeback in style as he rides over the FreshBoy Beat with his version of the Jump Off.  The video was Directed by Ryan Sinyangwe of FourHouse Media. Enjoy below SHARE THIS POST [Sassy_Social_Share] FEATURED POSTS Various…

Diary Conversation S01E01

WATCH: Killa Beats Diary Conversation S01E01

K-Amy Boss KB has decided to elevate his Diary session and develop it into visual series, inviting artist and sit sown with them and talk about their Origins, lifestyle, perspectives and more. Inthis particular episode, he invites Macky II, Roberto,…