Danny Stresses About The Influence Of Politics Upon Our Culture In “A Calabash Of Broken Secrets”

A Calabash Of Broken Secrets is a politically charged poem where the poet stresses about the negative influence that politicians have inflicted upon the religious morals of our community. With the western culture being pushed so hard to be accepted, one can only wonder who our true rulers are…



(By Danny K Kaunda )

A calabash of useless secrets.
A song for bootlickers and a blind follower.
A society full of intellectual misfits
A moment of silence as we mourn our cobra…
As we burn in this furnace of poverty & copper.

Excuse me madam, forgive my manners.
I overhead you glorifying whichcraft
“How it can be turned into a science”
Is that the constitution you want to draft?
Are those the revelations you get after you pray and fast?

A wordy soul, speaking silly sinister things
A weary driver leading us astray
A wedding ceremony without oaths and rings
A warehouse of sorrow, sadness, shame, all u can say
A wasted journey leading us to judgement day

See a guiltless sheep silently slaughtered
A home of our own is now a slaughter house
Yet we recite usual slogan
A lot of us have been neglected like an orphan.
Violence is what we get rewarded with for this price…

A man choses a fellow man over a pretty woman
When will fire from heaven fall ?
A woman feigns love and sex with a fellow woman
And like that’s not all
The devil has invented these animals a sex doll!!!

Perhaps God has finally pardoned our stupidity.
Or is He gonna reward us like Sodom and Gomorrah?
“There is none righteous” humans have lost their identity
Our prayers are answered with HIV/AIDS, Ebola and Cholera.
What’s left to be done, who can pass the right formula….?