Zambian student Arrested In Russia For Twerking In Front Of A War Memorial.

A female Zambian student has been arrested in Russia for allegedly “rehabilitating Nazism” by twerking in front of a war memorial.

Rebecca Ziba,21, was detained by police after uploading the twerking video on her Instagram page with the caption:

“Shaking ass for the dead, I’m sure they are sleeping well tonight.”

Investigators accused Ziba of “rehabilitating nazism” after claiming she violated Part 4 of Article 354.1 for the “obscene” act.

During her interview with the police, Ziba apologized for her actions and said she was unaware of what the memorial symbolized: “I didn’t want the video I posted to be offensive and disrespectful to the dead. I didn’t know what the memorial signifies. I apologize very much to everyone.”

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