Nexus Music Unloads on Dancehall Artist T-Sean, vowing to Expose Him

Nexus Music has taken to their Facebook page to reveal details about the contractual relationship between the record label and Dancehall artist T-Sean. The record label stated that they chose to take this step after the artist did not show appreciation for their efforts and support. According to Nexus, T-Sean was paid an upfront fee of K50,000 with a total contract amount of K250,000, which the label intended to recover through the sale of the artist’s music on streaming platforms such as Spotify. Nexus also disclosed that they had spent over 80,000 kwacha on two of T-Sean’s videos, which they had not yet recovered. The posts made by Nexus have sparked a reaction from music fans on social media, with many expressing disappointment at the situation.



“T-Sean Baila was paid K50,000 on signing his contract with a promise to pay the contract amount of K250,000. He released his music on his own account twice with combined cost of videos to label K80,000. REVENUE MADE by label K0.00”

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