Ken Wallace Previews His Latest Single With Byron “Jealous”

Super talented R&B singer Ken Wallace is such a sensetional vocalist to listen to. His vocal chords, and his love concepts are beyond imaginable. Despite being so talented, we haven’t been able to hear much from Ken Wallace, who infact is only working to release his second single this year on Wednesday; December 2nd 2020.

The singer has however, described his fourthcoming song to be of a personal attachment project, explaining that he has been through ups and downs relationship-wise, sharing his real life experience with women.
The song Jealous brings out a situation where an artist faces various relationship challenges due to his popularity and lack of enough time to give his partner because he is more enganged to music and studio time.

Ken Wallace is however teaming up with Byron, an exciting upcoming rapper & music producer in this project. As we stay excited to get hold of his music, we can check out ken Wallace’s debut Music album below