JOKAMA ‘s Cartoon Drawing Makes It On DJ Khaled’s Instagram Stories

Graphic Designers are always underlooked, not because they do not do a great job but mostly its because they decide to remain in the shadows and do their work quietly. Without these talented persons, branding for celebrities would prove to be a very hard task to accomplish.

A few artists, or public figures would take it to their Social Media to appreciate or just give a shoutout to the designers, but that was not the case for Joseph, founder of JOKAMA Creations (J.C). When he did a beautiful DJ Khaled Cartoon Drawing, the response was overwhelming. Not only did he get a retweet, but his work of art did make it to Instagram where the renouned American Producer was more than happy to share it on his Insta Stories. Check out the beautiful Drawing below:

DJ Khaled shared this Artwork on Instagram



Joseph is not new to Graphic Design. He has worked on alot of Artworks for various artist in Zambia. His designs have seen themselves on Bilboards, Music Covers, Adverts and so on. JOKAMA has also created beautiful banners and ads for Teamsyre Network.

You can check him out via the following Social Media handlers




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