Jay Rox To Officially Launch His “SCAR” Album On This Year’s Christmas Eve

Headphones Music CEO Jay Rox is On the Eve of New Year scheduled to launch his current music album SCAR, as well as introduce fully a well packed team of talented artists signed to his Record Label.

SCAR, an album which defines Jay Rox‘s story and journey throughout his music career was released earlier this year, on the 2nd of March through Mvesesani.com and other major worldwide streaming platforms.
The album was initially supposed to be launched on the 25th of July, but the surging cases of Corona Virus by then overruled any plans for a musical concert. Jay Rox was forced to hold back his plans for the safety of his fans, as well due to restrictions imposed by the government during that time.

However, with the opening up of the economy and a massive reduction in the recorded cases of the Covid 19 infections, Jay Rox has seemed busier than ever, making necessary moves to cement his legacy in the music realm. He aerlier patnered with AfriShop, to introduce and distribute his own line of sneakers, a move which has been embraced and applauded for by many Zambian Music fans and stakeholders.

Also to expand the influence of his Record Label, Headphones Music has signed prominent upcoming artists including the controversial Umusepela Chile, conquering rap genious Zar The Supreme as well as multi talented singer & producer Kenzville Marley among others.

Now to introduce his team perfectly, Jay Rox has partnered with Papa Joes, setting up a SCAR album launch. This will see new music showcased during the event, with the most anticipated cypher which will include Zar The Supreme, Ollee Benjamin, Ern Chawama, Tie Four, Flexville Marley, Umusepela Chile & Jay Rox.

Tickets for this event will only be K50 for ordinally seats while the VIP section would only cost you K200. Check the promo below for more details.