“It Is The Doctor Who Endangered My Life” – Mutale Mwanza Claims

Social media personality Mutale Mwanza finds herself in a legal battle with Dr. Natasha Mulenga, who is accusing Mwanza of road rage and intimidation. However, Mwanza offers a different perspective on the events that unfolded.

Mwanza claims that Dr. Mulenga created a traffic jam by refusing to allow other drivers to pass around a broken down vehicle. Mwanza argues that Dr. Mulenga should have used turn signals and merged into the opposite lane if she needed to get past the obstruction.

According to Mwanza’s account, Dr. Mulenga became irate when a bus conductor requested she reverse her car. Mwanza maintains that she politely approached Dr. Mulenga and requested the same, but the doctor refused and escalated the situation with shouting.

Mwanza vehemently denies ever threatening Dr. Mulenga with a gun, stating it was securely holstered under her coat. She suggests Dr. Mulenga might have misinterpreted the outline of the firearm through her clothing.

Mwanza views Dr. Mulenga’s lawsuit as an attempt to use legal means to address emotional distress rather than a legitimate case.