WEZI: “If I Could Choose To Be Another Zambian Artist For Just A Day, I’d Choose To Be Chef 187”

In this life, it is easier to fancy other people based on their physicality, Talent or skill. But ti is much more dificault for anybody to chose who they could be if given a chance to become someone else for a day. 

Regardless, award winning songbird Wezi took time to share on her Social Media Platforms on who she would love to be, given such a prestige chance. She believes Chef 187 is the best personality for her, as she explains in depth the reasons for her choice in the post below:

If I could choose to be another Zambian artist for just a day, I’d choose to be Chef 187… I genuinely believe this brother introduced a different texture to Zambian music, there was nothing like it before and now it’s part of the theme sounds of our pride as the Zambian people. I’m talking as a fan! I’ve worked with him, he is cool, kind and thoughtful… his courageous and carries himself really well. He has been very consistent and his music has deep meaning also. The streets are definitely on fire and there’s nothing better than someone who raps and represents the hood with love so genuinely…

There’s many great rappers in Zambia, I couldn’t list them all because there’s too much talent, it’s a blessed nation. I’m listening to Chefy’s latest album ‘Bon appetit’ which I’m excited to be featured on! There’s a song called ‘Ghetto Code’ that has me and Jemax on, totally love it. There’s a song off the ‘Soul Elation compilation’ titled ‘African sun’, which I featured him on as well and There’s few other mutual projects on health activism such as Ukani Manje & “Together we can” COVID-19 awareness song which we are on. It’s awesome cause I get see him in action, in studio, on set and behind the scenes… and so on!

I definitely believe in hyping up people and Chefy definitely deserves the appreciation from one artist to another…. I have many favorite songs by him but my number 1 track is ‘Wala’… eish, guys I love that song.

Today, 5th April 2020… if I was given the chance to be another Zambian artist for only one day I’d choose to be ‘The Sensei’ Kondwani Kaira.

