Breaking Down The Lyrics To “Rap Coup 3” By Rapper Crew Gee

Rapper Crew Gee has versitile warnings towards the now crowded music industry, where everyone could just wake up and claim they are rappers even though most of them drown in the sea because they are either not strong enough to swim or their skills are garbage. The team Hardrocks rapper also has a word for everyone who might think they may have an opinion about rap, especially fellow rappers who insists they can be able to change “the culture” of this ancient music. He believes in music everyone just use one another to gain their own interests. He also shuns fans who just follow where there is clout.

Below we share the official lyrics as well as a breakdown of all the hidden metaphors in his lyrics.


Rap Coup III Lyrics

Ukepushe umunobe ati Crew Gee niwisa

Welcome to pa Zed epo bachita mute light
Yaule shiner Ukumweba Mosquitoes Biting
Welcome to pa Zed Epo baishibisha Ukulosha uku Supporter Teti
Tabomfwa Laka Uyu lebocha
Ama fans Balipwa Apa bonse Niba Kemba
Spitting kwati Misu balefwaika Chemba
Batulika mubongo nga zero nshibapenda

Lyonse nafunya umupu ala tabantendwa
Ifyama Culture fyenu bonse muli pa Menu
Nde eba Bae salapo Dish ebele “Hip Hop”
Hip hop ninebo ala wasalapo ukundya
Ala wisha napashala pabulo ndekupasha ala
Teine Booty licker Keshe abena Malembe
Ichishinka chabafye ati tabwakapwe ubuchende

Am still me nolo mboneka kwati nalichinja
I do me So nshiba doda aba nalibinda
I saw ka list kama rapper bachibemba kunuma uku
Naliko busy so I didn’t bother ukuma knock
Nga twali babili muli song na Drifta awe teti
Ndembe coz takosa aba wack nge nsele shamuchisungu
Umuchinshi kuli ba Slap Dee ndomfwa nefyo mwimba
But ni off-key ku ipa Kantu, chileya icho
Example Yapa Zed finshi muletweba
Ngabana benu ifingi tumona kuli imwe yama ala!

They saying shit like ngufwika kwati ulya
Kuba sunsumana mumano mbonafye kwati niba chuula
Collable no impiya mbasha ama blue ticks
Inkeche ndalya, ndabandwa – So mpela kuno utuma fried chips
Palibalya ebo upa Juicy nga nshibapo ulimbwafye
Tumano ubunono ngemikonso shakwa Mumba Yachi
Palamina kuno tubombe
Italanta lyobe libombe
Ukumweba funya ulwimbo lwa next ati chill nanomba
Akalumba bakemba ala tuyibomfyafye
Ayo ama sweet talk nama Hug libe tuyibomfyafye
Njenekela ifyaibela nga bena Mutale Mwanza
Silently ndebomba uku mboneka uwamafya

Iwe Chiliko Chileke Chileya
Na Jerahyo achiteko share
Mwilachita ama Compare
Ndi mukali juicy ku mpela
Ukofyawama ekomulola ba mwankole
You been following trends
Ngaba ndandapo atishani uko chite mentioned you
Have been supporting you,
Nachi paragraph atshani saying my niggar I knew
The next day Naba neka
Ku page no ama neighbour
Ama likes Yaku tintilila uku futi Nama presure

Shout out to Rich Bizzy paku ngafwa
Ndaba aba balolela nkapishe bakandange ati nshaba neka
Believing muli hustle neka fye nemwine
One day King Deza akantumina ebele “Ba Bwine”
Muchinshi pela TeamSyre
Nshilaba konse naya
Have been through shit anchetekela apa ndi amaya
Am Struggling though ndeima ndeumfwa fye ubwema
Maka yaba Shi Emma
One day fye Ndeisa

I switch kunjeba wala mungulu uyoo
Jealous ningulu ishibi wishibe ifyo
Kumpasha kuli upcomer nichi taboo
The next time nkesa pa hook pakabako na Kendra Boo



Breakdown coming soon