A Woman Of Many Talents, Munyindei Chitondo – Upcoming Fashion Designer & Hair Dresser!

Meet Munyindei Chitondo a hard working 22 year old science Teacher who is also an upcoming fashion designer.

Who is Munyindei Chitondo?

A woman of many Talents. Munyindei Chitondo is a hard working 22 year old science Teacher who is also an upcoming fashion designer. A last born in the family of two, Born and raised on the Copperbelt, Munyindei is not only a fashion designer but a hair dresser(wig making), a baker and also a mother.
Munyindei who happens to be a double orphan lost her parents in 2003(dad) and 2013(mom) has been raised by her aunt ever since.

What motivated you to start designing?

“Growing up after my father died, my mother often struggled to make ends meet and having to buy clothes whenever you want or need them was very hard, they were times where you as a child would see something nice that your friends have but couldn’t afford it. But that didn’t not hurt me as much because my mother was equally a talented woman, she would nit us the best looking ponchos with different colors and we would walk around shining because me and my sister were the only ones that had them. Other than that we grew up mostly on hand me down clothes and shoes which sometimes would be uncomfortable because it was either they were big or very small and you had yourself in. Fast forward to junior high school I was in a class where they offered home economics, that was where I was introduced to fashion and fabrics, from that point I would still some of my old clothes and start cutting them to different things that would pop up in my head.

When did you learn sewing?

It was after high school in 2015 that I began to take my hand sewing skills seriously, I would continue getting my old materials that was lying around and would start sewing different things like off shoulder tops and skirts. In 2018, My second year in college when I was going on my first teaching practice, there was an advert at Luanshya skills where they were offering a 3months course in cutting, tailoring and design so I decided to go for it. Every time after work I would go and learn how to cutting and operate a sewing machine. Although I did not finish the course due to luck of funds with the help of YouTube, I’ve managed to learn the skills of how to cut material and manipulate it to a design of my choice. Since then I have been making outfits for different occasions like weddings, kitchen parties and other occasions aswel as accessories like bags, earrings, bracelets, necklace, face masks and bonnets. I also opened up a page on Facebook called Mumu’s Dream Corner where I post most of my designs and showcase other skills I possess.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I wish to further my career in fashion industry and be part of the best. I have dreams of showcasing my work to the world and be part of many brilliant minds such as Tashfash designs and many other brilliant designers.
I’m grateful to God for giving me my hands and mind because they are what helped me get through a bad times though the road is still hard I’m still on my journey from grass to grace and now I can safely say I have reached fertile land. For more information contact her management team on 0961012365/0976835057